Experience & Innovation

Edlow International Company has come to symbolize experience and innovation within the nuclear industry. Throughout Edlow’s history, we have been involved in many significant events which have positively influenced the development of the nuclear industry.

Notable Firsts

Some of the notable firsts in which EIC has played a significant role include:

  • The first commercial export of enriched uranium from the United States.
  • The first import of irradiated fuel to the United States.
  • The first plutonium export from the United States.
  • The first export license and shipment of U.S. natural uranium to Russia for enrichment.
  • The first export license and shipment of U.S. natural uranium to France for enrichment.
  • The first export of Heavy Water from the United States.
  • The first retransfer license of spent fuel.
  • The first bulk export license for special nuclear material.
  • The first U.S. sale and export of nuclear transport packages to the People’s Republic of China.

U.S. Government Approvals

Edlow International has also been involved in a number of U.S. government approvals, including the following significant items:

  • The approval for insertion of four mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assembled into the Ginna reactor during 1980 for Rochester Gas and Electric.
  • Retransfer of test reactor spent fuel to U.S. for:
  • British Nuclear Fuels Ltd.;
  • Studsvik Energiteknik;
  • Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute;
  • South African Atomic Energy Board.
  • Export Licenses for Indian Atomic Energy Commission.
  • Sale of Marviken heavy water.
  • Hundreds of U.S. government permits (MB-10) for retransfers.

Leaders in the Industry

Edlow International frequently offers strategic and technical guidance to policy makers, the media, Congress, and foreign governments. Jack Edlow was appointed to the Department of Commerce Civil Nuclear Trade Advisory Committee in 2010 and served as Chairman. He also served as Chairman for the Trade Advisory Commission on Africa for USTR. Mr. Edlow has served on numerous boards, including the World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Energy Institute, and U.S. Nuclear Infrastructure Council. He also has served as Chairman of the IAEA Steering Group on Shipment Denial. Mr. Edlow regularly speaks at industry events and lectures at the World Nuclear University, and was actively involved in the 2010, 2012, and 2014 Nuclear Security Summit events.Following are clips from Mr. Edlow's participation in a documentary for Spanish television.

60 Years of Experience

With more than 60 years backing Edlow International’s name, we are committed to providing a superior quality of customer support and service, which is possible only through our extensive experience in the nuclear industry.

Please contact us if you or your company would like to discover how Edlow International can serve you. To learn more about Edlow's full scope of services, please contact Marilena Conde, Vice President, Marketing & Administration, at mconde@edlow.com or 202-483-4959.

Edlow's Commitment

Welcome from our Chief Operating Officer

Welcome from our Vice President