Nuclear Licensing and Regulatory Services

Governments and international organizations throughout the world promulgate extensive, continuously changing regulations governing nuclear material. These regulations are far stricter than for many other chemical or industrial products, and have a significant impact on civilian nuclear commerce.

Edlow International Company keeps abreast of evolving regulations to ensure compliance for clients, as we have done for over 50 years. Our positive rapport with officials from international and United States (U.S.) government agencies, and our constant efforts to monitor legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments places us in an excellent position to advise clients about the regulatory issues that affect them.

Edlow International provides extensive services in the sphere of licensing and regulatory compliance for nuclear commerce. These services include:

  • Procuring import and export licenses worldwide for virtually all nuclear materials and equipment used in commercial and research applications;
  • Ensuring full compliance of nuclear material packaging and shipment with regulations issued by the following bodies:
    • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    • U.S. Department of Transportation
    • U.S. Department of Commerce
    • U.S. Department of Treasury (Office of Foreign Assets Control)
    • U.S. Customs Service
    • International Atomic Energy Agency
    • International Maritime Organization
    • International Civil Aviation Organization
    • International Air Transport Association
  • Providing detailed guidance on, and preparation of, documentation needed to comply with U.S. Department of Commerce requirements in the uranium anti-dumping investigation for transfers of material from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Specialized Issues
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licenses:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission handles applications for licenses to import and export nuclear material and associated equipment to and from the United States. Consideration of an individual license often requires several months and involves input from the U.S. Departments of Defense, Energy, Commerce, and State. Edlow International has a thorough understanding of this licensing process, and is able to expedite license approval for clients by accurately preparing license applications and monitoring their progress.

Other Regulations:
Numerous other national and international agencies and organizations govern aspects of nuclear commerce. The U.S. Department of Transportation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and international air and maritime organizations have strict regulations regarding the handling and shipment of nuclear material, including specific shipment routes, notification and confidentiality, marking, and escort requirements. Edlow International keeps abreast of these numerous and changing requirements in order to ensure clients that all transfers of nuclear material take place in a safe, secure, and expeditious manner. We ensure that shipments moving through all jurisdictions satisfy all documentation, insurance, transit approval, and marking requirements.

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